wet snow

美 [wet snoʊ]英 [wet snəʊ]
  • 湿雪
wet snowwet snow
  1. The path to Dawson was covered with thirty feet of wet snow that could fall without warming .


  2. The little boys press wet snow hard to make snowballs .


  3. A Wet Snow Avalanche with Heavy Harmfulness in China


  4. Life is like a snowball , the key is to find a very wet snow and a long slope .


  5. It was wet snow , half rain , and the flakes were large and soggy .


  6. Trees buckled under the weight of the heavy wet snow , and electric companies reported thousands of customers have lost power .


  7. About fifteen centimeters of wet snow has as much water as two-and-one-half centimeters of rain .


  8. Picking up a shovel and moving hundreds of pounds of wet snow , particularly after doing nothing physical for several months , can put a big strain on the heart .


  9. As he sloshed through the wet snow he wrestled with a rising feeling of impotence , self-pity and rebellion .


  10. Transmission line icing which is caused by the weather of low temperature , ice rain , wet snow and frost will bring forth disasters , such as icing flashover , transmission line galloping , line breaking , and tower collapse .


  11. Traffic was halted along Interstate 68 in Frostburg , Maryland on Tuesday . Wet snow and high winds spinning off the edge of superstorm Sandy spread blizzard conditions over parts of West Virginia and neighboring Appalachian states .


  12. Comparison of Wet Removal Efficiency Between Snow and Rain to Aerosol Particles in Urumqi Region


  13. The friction characteristics were affected by tread compound properties on different state highways , especially on the wet / ice / snow covered highway .


  14. Bigger worms tend to live longer because they can dig deeper , and avoid temperature extremes , soils that are too wet or dry , snow and predators .


  15. You must concentrate on protecting yourself from the wet ground and from freezing rain or wet snow .
